Wrong. Never in my life have I been more stressed about dating than now. You'd think living in Provo that I would be used to the couples everywhere and the established importance of finding your eternal companion to end the thousands of years your soul has been single. Living with RMs gets you used to engagements after three months of dating. But now I am told that even above school, my search for my future eternal companion (FEC) should be my number one priority. I am also told that 1) I do not know what I want in a husband and 2) I do not know how to date my fec. Kill. Me.

Luckily, I have my new roommate Annie here to help. She just got off her mission in Korea and I have to say she is one of the biggest blessings in my life right now. Today is her birthday but since she is an exercise and wellness major she won't let me bake her a birthday cake. I was very sad. Anyways, to all the single guys out there, look out because she is a CATCH!!