Saturday, May 22, 2010

Man's Best Friend

So when everyone comes home for the summer, they hang out with their old friends again. The friend wakes up each day with excitement, because seeing that face is the best thing in the whole world to them. It's been too long. And now they get to go do everything together. By that I mean walks. All the time. Yeah that's right. Thats what me and my best friend do all the time. Because my best friend is my dog.

They say that chimpanzees are closest to human beings in connection. with a 98% similarity in DNA, to question such a fact would seem stupid and redundant. Except when it comes to a man and his dog.

We like to think that we are rational beings; humane, conscientious, civilized, thoughtful. But when things fall apart, even just a little, it becomes clear we are not better than animals. We have opposable thumbs, we think, we walk erect, we speak, we dream, but deep down we are still routing around in the primordial ooze; biting, clawing, scratching out an existence in the cold, dark world like the rest of the tree-toads and sloths. There’s a little animal in all of us and maybe that’s something to celebrate. Our animal instinct is what makes us seek comfort, warmth, a pack to run with. We may feel caged, we may feel trapped, but still as humans we can find ways to feel free. We are each other’s keepers, we are the guardians of our own humanity and even though there’s a beast inside all of us, what sets us apart from the animals is that we can think, feel, dream and love. And against all odds, against all instinct, we evolve.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So last time Megan Leigh Reed got me addicted to this thing. I stayed up forever tweaking things and playing with it despite my huge headache calling me to bed!

But I have made a goal this summer, and it is this: even though I am not in Provo with my best friends in the entire world anymore, I am going to make the most of Ventura, CA as possible. Because Ventura actually is beautifullll and has perfect weather. By perfect I mean 70 degrees YEAR ROUND and 275 out of 365 sunny and cloudless. And my friends here are super fun. Even though some of them AKA REX WINSLOW will be leaving me for two years to france very soon.

In reality though, I am so blessed. I get to have free room and board thanks to the Mr&Mrs Slade, I get to work at a hotel and meet all sorts of people from all over the world and it never gets old! Sometimes they are really hard to understand or really impatient but sometimes they are super easy to please and so bubbly you wonder if they are on drugs. (Which, has also happened for reals) On a side note, for everyone that thinks standing on your feet for eight hours a day is easy business, here is a reality check: it is soooo painful and it makes you feel like an 80 year old every time you sit down because your joints ache so bad it is literally impossible to get up again! Goodness me I hope I age well... right now though things are looking so good... C=

And at home, I go to Singles Ward. What is singles ward you ask? It is Church specifically for people ages 18-28 so its more fun, its at a much later time (1:30pm) and you get lectured on how you need to get married ASAP like every day. hahaha I have never felt more old and single in my entire life until I went to BYU and saw the couples paired off hand-in hand, with the baby bump every five seconds. You think I exaggerate. If you are 23 and unmarried everyone thinks "wow, poor thing. who knows if she will ever find somebody at such a late time in her life" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA ohhh but seriously.... if I am 23 and unmarried and hear that kind of stuff... I'll probably just go kill myself.